The dumb-masses of America are proving why the rest of us had better keep buying ammo and keeping the actions clean and appropriately lubricated.
Sharpknife is obviously a fine historical scholar. This most recent post, of 12 DEC 03, really fisks the Supreme Court for upholding the McCain-Feingold Act.
Now, they would like you to believe it is a "Campaign Reform" act, but as is true with so much legislation, the name is just so much Orwellian newspeak. If there were a law to enforce truth-in-legislation, this act would be called the "Incumbent Politician Protection Act." Alternatively, it could be called, "We're the Supreme Court, You Have Free Speech When WE Say You Do; Act" But, I think my favorite title for McCain-Feingold is: "Could you hand me another roll of the First Amendment so I can wipe my ass" Act. Yes, I know it's long, but it's so catchy and to the point.
So why did I title this post, "You Better Keep The Second?" Most of you already know the answer, as reflected in the great comments posted on this blog, but I'm going to rant to those who are slow learners.
I don't know why the founding fathers made the RIGHT to keep and BEAR (yes, actually walk around with them, ready to go at a moments notice) arms the Second Amendment instead of the first. I suppose they thought that in an extremely well educated and civilized society, (the literacy rate was much higher back then and most of these guys could speak and write Latin and Greek) they believed that speech and discourse and persuasion were the most powerful tools and needed to be enshrined as holy and inviolable.
But as we can see today, if people of low or no character get control of high office, when the ballot box no longer suffices to protect us from tyranny, only the Second Amendment is going to matter to the righteous. And unlike the UK or Australian wussies, I believe the Second Amendment lives in the hearts of America's heartland. Pass all the laws or court rulings you want. If you think Canada's non-compliance with gun registry is hideously expensive and a total failure, you ain't seen nothin' yet.