I swelled with pride.
There was POTUS, our CINC, serving the troops on Thanksgiving Day. Think about that. He was taking that whole "civil servant" business seriously. He could have been at the ranch in Crawford TX, enjoying the company of his own family, in safety and security, but he chose to pay homage to the men and women who are standing guard to keep us safe.
Let me broaden your perspective.
The first year of my marriage, in 1986, I joined the Navy because I thought I could become an officer because of my stellar performance as an NJROTC officer and my I.Q. My stupid timing (don't you just love that juxtaposition) put me at reporting for enlistment to Great Lakes (Mistakes), ILL. on 22 DEC 86.
I had only been married for eight months. I was trying to figure out a career path. I had hope because Ronald Reagan was President and I could still remember what the military was like under Jimmy Carter. But, I was committed. So, I reported to MEPS hoping to go to the boot camp I had visited twice before as an NJROTC Leiutenant Commander, in Orlando, Florida. Hah! I was going to fly into O'Hare and be bussed to the frozen tundra of Great Lakes, Illinois. It was awful.
By the way, let this be a lesson. The government will spare no expense to prove how inefficient they can be with your money. There are Navy bootcamps in San Diego, California; Orlando, Florida, and Great Lakes, Illinois. If you live in Los Angeles, they will pay to fly you to Illinois or Orlando. If you live in Buena Vista, Florida, the Navy will make sure you go to bootcamp in San Diego or Illinois. If you live in Chicago, the Navy will make sure to fly you to San Diego or Orlando to do boot camp.
Okay, I was digressing wildly there. But, I remember how I felt in that huge hanger on the grounds of the Navy boot camp near Milwaukee. I remember being in a sea of men just like me, but feeling so much like an island. What had I done. My wife, my family. But I had chosen to sacrifice for the greater good.
I was just outside of Chicago and in no real danger. Imagine being a soldier across the globe in an extremely dangerous environment. Suddenly the POTUS appears and humbly serves (**WAKE UP**) serves you and your buddies dinner on Thanksgiving day. . . . . Stops to pose for pictures . . . . actually talks to you and your buddies . . . It dawns on you that the most powerful man in the world gave up his time with his family to show his appreciation for your sacrifice. . . . . . . . Think . . . . . . . . .
Check Mate.
Dean, Kucinich, Gephardt, Kerry, Leiberman, etc. Should just go assume the fetal position and suck their thumbs. Hiltlary Klinton is feeling safe right now. No democrat incumbant to worry about in 2008.
I am so conflicted on this whole issue. Not confused, mind you; just conflicted.
I hate GWB's positions on domestic issues. A disasterous "Medicare" bill. The most enormous increase in domestic welfare spending, etc.
But, who else is going to execute the war on terror the way he is? The naive nine? Hitlary?
The problem is this: if terrorists succeed in a major attack on US soil, kiss the economy goodbye. All of the other issues will seem stupid and silly in the wake of a 1929 style depression.
I don't care if it was a "photo op." If it strengthens the resolve of the American people and raises the morale of the troops. It was brilliant. If it keeps a dangerous dumbocrat from getting the White House and putting all our lives at risk, it was worth it.
Prioritize: First you drain the swamp and kill the alligators and snakes. Then you deal with building the beautiful lake house.
I don't want to vote for Bush. I want to vote for the Constitution party candidate. (Yes, there is such a thing.) But, I fear that if it is even remotely possible that a Dumbocrat could get elected to president, the consequences would be staggering.
Back to the purely political analysis:
George W. Bush earned an MBA from Harvard. But whoever is really behind his current politcal posturing or positioning should demand high six figures to be a professor in some politcal school at a well-known university.