Hopefully, the best minds in government are at the Pentagon and CIA, constantly reviewing SIGINT* and HUMINT** and constantly asking themselves, “What if . . . .”
I think about this a lot, because of an upcoming election and the fear of “What if there really are enough morons to elect Dean?”
You see, I hate the fact that Bush is spending worse than a drunken sailor. I hate his pandering to the center and moderate Left. I would love to have nothing to fear in seeing exit poles that show that Dean won because angry conservatives went to the polls and voted for Libertarians or Constitution party candidates in a split that was worse than what happened in 1992 with Ross Perot. I want to be able to write a letter to the RNC saying, “See, you damned idiots! Dean appealed to his tinfoil asshat base and they came out in droves. You decided to piss-off your base of supporters in favor of non-passionate, non-committed, middle-of-the-road know-nothings, and you lost!”
But I can’t do that. There is a very real and very deadly war going on right now. Which brings up the next “what if . . . .”
What if terrorists were to succeed in spreading a biological or chemical WMD, or detonate a nuclear device? What if not just in one location? What if 5 separate sleeper cells across the country coordinated a simultaneous attack? No, wait a minute, an attack every one or two hours. That would more than double the panic factor.
Imagine this scenario:
It is 6:pm EST. A suicide bomber unleashes VX gas at the airport in Atlanta. Maybe only 4,000 die, but within a half hour, all of North Georgia, within a 70 mile radius is in gridlock and chaos, and besides it also serves as a signal to the next cell. An hour later (19:00 EST), a small nuclear device is detonated somewhere in Santa Monica (4 p.m. local). If it is timed for late winter, the prevailing winds will carry all the fallout deep inland so as to affect the most population. Already upset over the news from Atlanta, the entire Southern half of California is in social and transportation meltdown, as is Arizona, and the people in New Mexico are packing.
It is now 10 p.m. EST in Times Square and a tractor-trailer painted as a FED-EX truck is loaded with 20,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate explosive mixed with pellets of breeder reactor waste. It explodes, taking out 13 buildings almost instantly but spreading deadly radiation for miles.
Now, that’s just three events that if properly timed would plunge this country into a hellish nightmare.
Please think carefully about what I’m saying and how I say it. If you think the Jews suffered under Hitler, imagine if you are a well-meaning, innocent, possibly Christian Arab living in this country and the above scenario took place.
Can you imagine the mobs in insane rage going after people they merely suspect are Islamic? Imagine how many Hindu Indians and Indonesian Christians and others would be shot on sight for all the wrong reasons.
I don’t want to have to think about how many civilians and law enforcement and national guard will kill each other because the former will refuse to surrender their weapons or the right of self-defense to the latter. All because of the damnable politically fashionable brainwashing that teaches government employees and the weak minded to think that only government bureaucracies know best how to protect them. All the while, lying to you on the subject since, all the way to the Supreme Court, it has been ruled that the State has no obligation to protect any citizen.
*SIGINT is Signals Intelligence; intercepted radio, internet, electronic forms of communication. **HUMINT is direct Human Intelligence gathered first or secondhand by real people in the midst of the enemy.
I know that it is only anecdotal, but I have read too many other “interviews” by people like myself. In working with younger people who were pursuing jobs in law enforcement, I make it a point to ask one very pointed question: “If you were ordered to go house to house to confiscate guns, even though it is a clear violation of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, would you do so?
Three out of three responded, 1. “If that’s what I gotta do, I gotta do it. 2. “I think it’s my obligation to follow orders.” 3. “If it makes the world safer . . . ? (shrug)”
Don’t you feel safer already?
As to answer number two; I pointed out to the bright young fellow that his excuse was used at the Nuremberg Trials of the Nazis. (I’m going to stop and explain here. Please pardon me; those well educated people who may be stopping by, but you never know how many trolls and dimwits might be visiting as well.)
You see, the excuse of, “I was just following orders!” was recognized for the sorry excuse that it was. In other words, the court said, “Nonsense! You knew exactly what kind of evil you were dispensing and you chose to do it anyway.”
Do you see the connection? If you don’t, click away immediately. You are too stupid to boil water.
I will add to this post later.