This proves that there is a segment of America that needs to be taken to the woodshed.
A Liberal said to me this weekend while I was in Maine: "I'll vote for anyone they put up against Bush. I hate him that much". That's judgement without reason. That's scary.
Go here and read the whole post. This is the ultimate example of feelings overriding thought.
That's what I get for living in the Kennedy belt, I guess.
Posted by: Geoffrey | December 30, 2003 at 11:46 AM
Happened to end up here after reading one of your responses on Acidman's blog. I'm the guy Geoff's referring to, and if you read my response on his blog you'll see that he took our conversation and gave it a little artistic license spin. In the three presidential elections I've voted in I've voted Green twice & Libertarian once. My views are all over the place, and I wasn't a big fan of Clinton. If I'm a Liberal, then I don't know what a Liberal is. I just have such distrust/disgust of George that I will vote Democrat in 2004, something I've never done. I have yet to see any of the Democratic candidates that cause me greater concern than Bush.
Just my two cents worth, thought you might be interested in hearing the "rest of the story".
Posted by: Jesse | January 04, 2004 at 10:05 PM