I did get this one comment on my post: "Survivor or Cheater."
>your friend's "survivor" analogy is incorrect. There are no rules to break in survivor. that was the point. Survivor is similar to bluffing (lying) in Poker.However, monopoly, risk, etc DO have rules. Breaking them is cheating, not surviving. <
This is worth addressing.
There are plenty of rules to break in "Survivor." There's a "host" who shows up regularly to lay down rules for games that are played for rewards or immunity. There are plenty of tacit rules. To wit: regularly offending most of the group will get you voted off. This can be in the form of your mouthing off, laziness, or screwing up in a game. But; most of all -- and this is so deliciously ironic -- "backstabbing, lying, cheating, disloyal, misleading, conniving, etc." Jeff Probst doesn't say it, but you can't kill the other players. You can't have your friends or families smuggle supplies to you. You can't explore outside the camp to make contact with indigenous people to get supplies. It's a controlled environment. No Rules? Puhleeeezzze!
The show is a quintissential microcosm of Communist thought.
Everyone has to share, regardless of their work output. The industrious and virtuous and intelligent set out to make things better. Partly because of their own comfort and partly because they want to win favor and keep from getting voted off. Hence, they justly begin to resent their counterparts in the game. The takers just spend most of their brain power on figuring out the political situation. They can't concentrate on what will help the "tribe" because they are too busy studying their prey and scheming for the best "alliance." The takers just sit around and watch the workers get things done. The workers are at a double disadvantage, in that, they spend more of their time providing for the takers and not colluding to dispatch their prey.
Why should the takers worry about working and contributing? Those camera crews are a constant reminder that protection, shelter, medical care, and food are just seconds away, if need be. We need to stop calling them "reality" shows. They are unscripted shows. And the producers can slice and dice miles of tape for the purpose of intruiging the audience. I know. I work in video production on a part time basis.
In a realistic, non-staged survival scenario, the strong would have the advantage. Not so in "Survivor." The game usually works to eliminate people in this order: 1. The inept who cost us tribal challenges. 2. Anyone who cheats but is too dumb to hide it. 3. Anyone who seems authoritarian. 4. Anyone who seems too soft-hearted. 5. Anyone who seems too likeable by the evicted competitors. 6. Anyone who seems to physically or mentally superior to win further challenges. The process is very similar to picking a real jury in a criminal court trial. This process is totally devolutionary. The very people who would be the most advantageous in a real survival situation are systematically picked off until only the most cunning and devious are left standing.
But it isn't poker. In poker, each player has to sit there and cogitate in the isolation of his own mind. There are rules established at the beginning of the hand. They don't change. Players don't get to form alliances and discuss how to manipulate other players to raise or fold.
"Survivor" is a world in which altruism and benevolence will get you eliminated. Extreme stealth and cleverness might pay off.
Contrast this "Survivor" show with the history of the Pilgrims who came here in the 15th century. When working as hard as possible could not prevent the deaths of almost half their population. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, burying their loved ones and working under starvation, with no safety net.
There is no excuse for cheating, even in a friendly game. The doubt that it casts on your character is not worth the cost. My mother died when I was fourteen, but I always remember her telling me that lying is worse than stealing. If I steal something from you, you can replace it. If I lie about you, I can cause you to lose your reputation and even cause you to die. If you don't comprehend why that is true, I will try to explain it to you, if you respond.
Cheating and lying can be too close for comfort.